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  • Double Layer Inflation Kits

    May 14, 2023 3 min read 0 Comments

    Double Layer Inflation kits for hoop house greenhouses


    Double layer inflation kits create an insulating layer of air between a double layer of poly plastic. This helps to reduce condensation and conserve the heat inside of the hoop house.

    The second layer of plastic is installed with lock channel and spring wire. The space between the two layers of plastic is filled with air using a simple air pump and outside air. Filling the space with air creates a pocket of insulation. This pocket of air acts as a barrier between the warmer air within your hoop house and the cooler air outdoors.

    When looking into upgrades, it is important to base the decision on your situation and production needs.

    Hoop houses are not typically built to be environmentally controlled. They are meant to be a season extender, not a four-season greenhouse. The double-layer improves this, but only enough to help improve the growing environment into the shoulder seasons.

    If you live in a mild climate and only plan to expand with greens and other cold-hardy crops, a second layer might not be a necessary expense. Meanwhile, the grower affected by coastal winds or a few late frosts may reap many benefits from the extra insulation.

    Other Benefits to Consider
    • Reduces Condensation
    • Better Snow/Wind Protection
    • Increased Temperature
    • Breathable


    Double layer inflation kits create an insulating layer of air between a double layer of poly plastic. This helps to reduce condensation and conserve the heat inside of the hoop house.

    The second layer of plastic is installed with lock channel and spring wire. The space between the two layers of plastic is filled with air using a simple air pump and outside air. Filling the space with air creates a pocket of insulation. This pocket of air acts as a barrier between the warmer air within your hoop house and the cooler air outdoors.

    Inflation kits work to create an air pocket between two layers of plastic. This air space provides insulation between the two layers of 6 mil greenhouse plastic. This helps to keep the growing space at a higher temperature and reduces condensation as the indoor air no longer touches cooler outdoor air.

    When adding the second layer of plastic, the second layer only needs to cover the top of the hoop house down to the hip boards to provide benefits. Install the plastic into the existing lock channel with additional spring wire.

    The plastic must be tight to prevent resistance and damage to the plastic once the air starts filling the space between the layers. We recommend that both layers of the greenhouse film are 6 mil., as a thinner plastic may not hold up as well with the installation of an inflation kit.

    The air pump collects air from the outside. The outside air is less humid than the air within the hoop house. Blowers that collect air from the inside of the structure can cause moisture to collect between the layers of plastic. This is not ideal and could lead to mold issues and damaged plastic.

    After both layers of poly have been attached the blower fan is installed inside the hoop house. You will need access to power to run the blower.

    1. Attach blower with included mounting bracket
    2. Cut outlet in poly for inlet hose
    3. Remove extra poly after installing inlet hose
    4. Connect to power (pulls .42 amps)
    5. Inflate 6-8 inches
    Watch for tears and monitor air pressure with a manometer to extend the life of your double layer.
    Want to learn more about growing in a hoop house. Check out our helpful hoop house guides.

    Watch this Video on Double Layer & Inflation Fans