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  • Spring Wire and Lock Channel

    May 14, 2023 3 min read 0 Comments

    Spring Wire and Lock Channel


    Lock channel and spring wire are the industry standard for properly securing greenhouse plastic. Installing lock channel and spring wire is a simple and economical way to install greenhouse coverings, including poly plastic and shade cloth, to a structure. Spring wire, used in conjunction with the lock channel, forms a tight and secure attachment to your greenhouse covering. For more information on installing greenhouse plastic check out How to Attach Greenhouse Plastic Sheeting to a Hoop House.


    Spring wire is made of galvanized steel. Some manufacturers also put a PVC coating on the spring wire.

    The advantages of PVC coated spring wire are:

    • Longer Lasting - The PVC coating on spring wire will help protect the wire from the elements giving it a longer life span
    • Gentler on the Covering Material - Spring wire with a PVC coating is much less likely to tear any covering. Uncoated wiggle wire may have sharp edges that can cause the material to get snagged on these exposed edges.
    • Easier Installation - The PVC on the spring wire is much easier on your hands. There are no sharp edges to worry about.


    We offer PVC coated spring wire with all of our bundles and greenhouse kits. You can also get extra spring wire for attaching additional layers of material. 

    • Faster installation - Using spring wire to install greenhouse plastic or shade cloth is time-saving. Once the plastic or shade cloth is installed over the greenhouse, you just need to wiggle the wire into the lock channel to lock the covering material in place
    • Economical - Spring wire can be purchased at a very reasonable price. The cost per linear foot is very inexpensive especially factoring in that you will be saving on installation time.
    • Allows the greenhouse covering to be removed or re-stretched after installation. The most significant benefit of spring wire over other installation methods is that it will enable you to remove the covering without any damage. Without tearing the greenhouse plastic or shade cloth, you can wiggle the wire out of the channel. If you need to re-stretch your material for any reason, you cannot do this with screws or staples without tearing the covering material. Spring wire allows you to re-stretch your material without leaving holes or tears, saving you a lot of money and hassle.
    • Superior attachment - Spring wire will enable you to have an excellent attachment of your covering material. It is the ideal choice in any area subject to high winds. Rather than have screws or staples attached every few inches, spring wire has a continuous attachment to the structure. Screw or staple attachment could never compete with the constant attachment you get with spring wire.


    The lock channel is installed on baseboards, hip boards, and the end wall hoops on the top/outside edge of the hoop. Lock channels can be installed with wood screws on wooden base/hip boards or self-tapping screws into metal.

    For wood, we suggest pre-drilling holes for the wood screws.


    Here at Bootstrap Farmer we carry three distinct styles of lock channel to fit your building needs. All of our lock channels are made right here in Texas from recycled aluminum. It is sturdy enough to last for years while being flexible enough to follow the curve up and over your end wall hoops. 

    • Greenhouse U Channel Lock is the standard on all of our greenhouse kits. It will fit up to three layers of spring wire and material totaling 20 mil. Also available as a bundle with spring wire
    • Deep Greenhouse Lock Channel is perfect for light dep. structures and any structure with a double layer of woven poly. It holds six layers of spring wire and up to 40 mil. of material. The available bundle comes with two sets of spring wire per length of channel. 
    • Double Greenhouse Lock Channel is designed to make it easy for you to have different coverings for your sidewalls and easily change them out depending on your needs for the season. Each channel can hold as much as the classic U Lock for a total of six layers.

    Watch the video on installation of greenhouse plastic using spring wire!