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  • Seed Trays
  • A Fulltimers Guide to Gardening on the Road

    March 08, 2022 2 min read 0 Comments

    Grow bag gardening

    Hope is not lost for RVers looking to grow their own food. 

    Life is about sacrifices and choices.  Fulltime RVers know this as well as anybody.  One sacrifice one assumes a full-timer must make is not having a garden (or any homegrown nutrition for that matter).  Whether you're planning on camping out for a while or always on the road - we've got some ideas.

    Allow us to inspire you with new possibilities.  It's a lot easier than you think to grow super nutritious food no matter what part of the world you are in. 

    Lets start taking a look at our options:

    Grow Bags

    Grow bags have a variety of benefits.  The obvious ones for full-timers are that they are small, lightweight and can be picked up and moved anywhere on a moment's notice.  But the best part about grow bags?  The fact that the bag lets in so much oxygen is really good for plant health, you'll likely see better growth than you're used to with standard pots.


    Growing vegetable in grow bags



    Looking for add nutrition to your diet while on the road?  I can't think of anything healthier or cost efficient than growing your own microgreens.  There's a growing number of studies showing that microgreens are potent in essential vitamins and minerals. 

    They are super easy to grow no matter where you are, going from seed to harvest in 1-2 weeks. They are great in smoothies, as garnishes, salads and more.  If you're like me and obsessed with the health benefits, you'll skip all that.  I tend to grab a handful and start munching.


    Growing microgreens


    This is an electricity free method of hydroponic growing that can work for just about anybody, anywhere.  As long as your temperatures are in range for what you're growing, this is an excellent method to look into.   Basically you set a young seedling on top of a raft or bucket, whereby the roots sit in a hydroponic solution, and as the nutrient level depletes, the roots follow it down to the bottom of the container, forcing the plant to grow full, lush roots that make for delicious vegetables & herbs. 

    Check out this tutorial on the Kratky method: 


    What about lighting? 

    Simple.  If it's a warm Spring or Summer, you should be all set.  If not, hang this 48" LED light bar anywhere in your camper and enjoy fresh microgreens all year long.  Use the same light to start seedlings or grow any plant that can withstand its ambient temperature. 

    Lettuce, kale chard & collard are an excellent cool season crop and also make great microgreens!

    Hope this was helpful!  

    Next level tip:  Imagine grow bags surrounding your RV, full of flowers, vegetables & herbs.

    Now, all of a sudden you're not only growing your own pesticide free food, it's some of the healthiest & freshest you've ever eaten grown in a rich ecosystem of nutrients & beneficial microbes provided by the compost tea. 

    You'll be growing so much, you'll be the talk of the campground.  You might just consider turning that camper into a food truck.


    Selling market vegetables