20% Off USA-Made All-Metal Greenhouse Kits until May 31
20% Off USA-Made All-Metal Greenhouse Kits until May 31
January 20, 2025 12 min read 0 Comments
Once upon a time, before grocery stores and delivery services, most humans only consumed seasonal produce that was available at the time. We’ve become accustomed to out-of-season produce imported from outside the country and have come to demand it.
Eating seasonal and locally produced food is better for the environment; it’s more nutrient-dense and flavorful, reduces fuel used to import, offers a broader range of options, and is typically less expensive for consumers. Adopting seasonal eating also allows local growers to support their families on income from selling their goods.
In this article, we’ll discuss how you can get a farm stand up and running to help you provide fresh produce for your community, make supplemental income, and decrease waste on the homestead without breaking the bank getting it set up.
Are you living on your dream homestead but always have extra produce to share? Do friends and family suggest you start a roadside farm stand, but you’re unsure where to start? Cut out that middleman and start selling your produce directly.
There are things to consider before throwing a building up at the bottom of your driveway or along the roadside. Towns and counties have varying levels of permits needed and regulations you’ll be required to adhere to—check in with local officials to get everything you need to sell your produce safely.
If you plan to sell produce by the pound, you will need a certified scale. Generally, these are certified at the state or county level. You can find your state office for certification here at the State Weights and Measures Directors page. To avoid this many new sellers choose to sell by the bag or item instead of by the pound.
Ensure your farm stand is easily accessible and visible, with ample signage leading to it. Cut down trees and clear the area so the stand is visible from the road. Consider several placement options before starting to build. Here are some essentials you should acquire before getting started:
Think about how you want to present your farm stand to your community. Make it inviting to passersby, keep the area clean, and create something lovely folks want to tell their friends and family about. Word of mouth is the best way to gain new customers.
Related: Starting Seeds on Your Urban Farm with Michael Bell
Spring is an exciting time for growers, especially in regions with long winters, and everyone is ready for fresh vegetables. Here are some fan favorites.
I can tell you from experience there are never enough spring berries to go around! Plant berry bushes and trees now, and you’ll thank yourself in a few years for this foresight.
Sell berries by the pint, half a pint, or quart in molded pulp baskets, which are easily accessible. You can reuse them many times before they break down and use them for multiple products. Once you have recurring customers you can opt for endlessly reusable packaging like these 5x5 trays and have customers bring them back to you.
Most varieties will be ready for harvest from March to May before sending out a flowering stalk. Plants may flower early during unexpected heat waves in the spring. Cut the center stalk out before it goes to seed to extend the harvest season. Only harvest ⅔ of the plant so it can remain strong and regrow before winter arrives. Remove the poisonous leaves before selling.
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If you have “early” crops, like the first tomatoes, charge more! People will pay extra to jumpstart summer produce. Adjust prices once every other farm stand and farmers’ market offers tomatoes.
A classic BOGO or bundle deal is a great way to move a lot of products. Determine what you want to make on each product and price them accordingly. For example, if you need to make between $2.50 and $3 on a bundle of herbs, sell them for $3 or 3/$8. The customer gets a good deal, and you move the product.
If you’re growing something new or different, provide a recipe card for customers to entice them to try it. Recipes are a great way to engage customers and earn their trust as the grower. They also open up future conversations about food and cooking.
Consider hosting a farm stand tour. Invite the community to visit your stand and offer samples. If you’re nervous, ask extroverted friends and family members for help to create good vibes.
The world of technology provides access to shopping at all hours of the day. Ensure a decent level of “openness” that allows customers to shop conveniently. For example, if you create an online store, leave it open long enough for folks to place orders.
Create a cohesive and easy-to-manage website and ordering platform. Do you want to offer delivery options or limit pickups to pick-ups only? Test everything with technology several times before launching it to avoid glitches or frustrated customers.
Stick to social media platforms you’re familiar with and comfortable using. If you already utilize Facebook and Instagram, stick with those. Use your existing friends to help spread the word and create a customer base. Use social media creatively by posting polls or asking for feedback in exchange for a deal. And use their promo codes! For example, “mention our latest reel in your order check-out for 10% off your next order”. Also, request that your roadside farm stand be added to a local business directory so people can find you and establish a publicly listed email address.
Must-haves to start a farm stand:
Related: A Beginner’s Guide to Year-Round Gardening on Your Homestead
Start by determining the demand in your area and researching local permits needed and food sales regulations. Then, build your structure or identify an existing structure to use. Refer to our article How to Sell at a Farmers’ Market: Setting up A Successful Booth for helpful pointers and items you’ll need to get started.
Fresh greens, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, summer squash, herbs, scallions, and potatoes will sell well. Create a niche, and don’t try to grow everything at first. Listen to your customers and pay attention to demand. You may love growing something that doesn’t sell. That’s okay; just grow that for yourself.
To extend your season, add caterpillar tunnels, use frost blankets, and grow cold-hardy crops. Grow storage crops customers can consume in late fall and winter. Make value-added products like tea bags and maple syrup to keep sales going into the fall and winter months.
Depending on your time and commitment to the project, the equipment can be as simple as a pop-up tent and sturdy tables or as advanced as a DIY cabin with electricity. At the very least, you need a way to keep your produce cool and protected from the sun and a way to take payment. Make your farm stand an inviting place for customers to visit with clearly marked signs and prices, parking, and payment options.
Look online at local organic grocers and note prices at nearby farmers’ markets and your grocery store. Find the most comparable products and calculate the average. Remember that your products are local and highly nutritious. Don’t undersell their value!
Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries will always be in style. Establish bushes now to enjoy fruitful harvests in the future.
If you think you’re posting enough, you probably aren’t, so don’t be shy. Social media constantly evolves, and you want to stay relevant to your followers. Introduce yourself, promote new, exciting items, be transparent, and always tag your location.
Be yourself. Smile. Be prepared to answer questions about how and what you grow. Thank them for coming!
Written by Jenna Rich of Partners’ Gardens LLC
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